Edward Dewhurst – BAE Protection Coordination Study
Aurora were appointed by Edward Dewhurst to carry out a detailed protection coordination study for a planned upgrade of BAEs facility in Samlesbury. Aurora first developed a model of the power system in ETAP, before running a series of short circuit studies for the normal and emergency operating condition, to determine the fault current range […]
Rosebery / Makpower – Power System Design
Aurora was contracted by the Rosebery group to carry out some power system design work for a new 7.5MW generating site, forming part of the new STOR framework in Northamptonshire, UK. Aurora’s scope included developing a design and specification for the main HV switchboard, including the protection requirements and interlocking and inter-tripping arrangements with the […]
Wyelands WTW – Earthing Study
Earthing consultant, Aurora was contracted by AICA, in conjunction with Costain to carry out a full site review and earthing study and design for the Wyelands WTW in Ross on Wye, UK. The work is part of a major site upgrade which includes replacement of the 3.3kV and 400V main switchboards and generator step-up transformer. […]
UCP Choice – 5MW STOR
Aurora were selected by UCP Choice to carry out a range of power system studies for two new 5MW STOR (Short Term Operating Reserve) projects at Finway and Elms. The STOR project is based on gas engine technology, with each site consisting of 2x 2.5MW gas engines operating in a banked configuration. Aurora’scarried out a […]
Grange Industries – Power System Analysis
Aurora was contracted by Grange industries to carry out a series of power system analysis reports for two different gas compression sites at Beattock and Brighouse bay in the UK, based on site survey data provided by the end Client. Aurora’s began by reviewing all the existing site data provided, and the results of the […]
Lark Power Services – Electrical Studies
Aurora was contracted by Lark Power Services to carry out a wide range of electrical studies for a new 7.5MW diesel generating plant in Derbyshire, for the new STOR / EFR response contracts. Aurora’s scope included undertaking a short circuit G74 study and protection coordination study using the ETAP software package. This required a detailed […]
British Pipeline Agency – Electrical Consultancy
Aurora was contracted in its experience as an electrical consultancy by the British Pipeline Agency Ltd. (BPA) to provide general electrical consultancy services to support the Buncefield rebuild project at Hemel Hempstead, UK. Aurora began by visiting the site and undertook a thorough review of the existing site and construction progress, before holding a detailed review […]
Ras Al Khair – ETAP Studies
Aurora was contracted by Royal Haskoning DHV to carry out a series of ETAP studies for a large shipbuilding yard located in the Middle East. Aurora’s scope included creating a full ETAP model of the whole site, consisting of 8 major load areas, each containing multiple local substations. The total number of substations on the […]
Polypipe – Electrical Site Survey
Aurora were appointed by Polypipe to carry out an electrical site survey of their production facility in Kent. The aim of the survey was to provide a ‘cold eyes’ review of the site, and gather together the existing piecemeal information into one place. This was undertaken with the aim of fully identifying the configuration of […]