Aurora were selected by UCP Choice to carry out a range of power system studies for two new 5MW STOR (Short Term Operating Reserve) projects at Finway and Elms. The STOR project is based on gas engine technology, with each site consisting of 2x 2.5MW gas engines operating in a banked configuration.
Aurora’scarried out a short circuit study (G74) to asses the fault in-feed to the DNO network, a transient analysis (P28) to assess the system response to energisation / trip of the generating units and a harmonic analysis (G5/4) to demonstrate compliance with the relevant standards. The studies are necessary to facilitate the energisation request from the DNO and are an important part of the design validation. The studies were all carried out using the DigSilent simulation package.
Aurora is pleased to be working with UCP choice again, supporting these important projects.
Please contact Aurora for more information on its services.