Power Systems Analysis – Company Focus

As a company that operates within the HV / EHV and power systems market, we have always offered a wide range of services. However, over the last few years, we have found an increasing demand in our power systems analysis services and have therefore decided to make this the primary focus of the business. This […]

Looking Forward to 2024

Expanding and growing a business is often challenging, as managing multiple large and complex jobs becomes increasingly difficult. During 2023, we were managing up to 50 projects simultaneously, ranging from simple 11kV protection studies, up to 400kV transmission connections. We managed this ok, but it did get a bit fraught at times. Looking ahead to […]

National Grid – Model Handover and Encryption

In a related post to last week, one of the interesting problems that has started to arise is National Grid ESO wanting the RMS simulation models handing over in an unencrypted format. This requirement has been around for a little while, but was not rigorously enforced by NG ESO, and tended to sidelined a bit. […]

EMT Studies and Models for National Grid ESO

For those of you that are not that involved in Grid Studies, National Grid ESO has recently published a guidance note on the need for EMT studies for generation connected plant. This requirement is off the back of the GC0141 modification, that followed the August 2019 blackout, and is aimed to help define the performance […]

G99 – Voltage Control

As part of G99 / Grid Code compliance studies, it is necessary to carry out a series of Voltage Control studies, and check performance stability. Voltage control is used in some parts of the UK, and common in Scotland, but it is not widely used in England or Wales. Voltage control mode is a form […]

G99 / Grid Code – Frequency Response

As part of G99 / Grid compliance studies, it is necessary to carry out a series of Frequency Control studies. This is to show how the system respond to over-frequency and under-frequency events, when operating in LFSM or FSM mode. These are both types of power-frequency droop control. LFSM mode is the usual operating mode […]

G99 / Grid Code – Fault Ride Through (FRT)

G99 / Grid Code – Fault Ride Through / Fast Fault Injection Fault Ride Through studies are a basic requirement of Type B and C / D generators, to demonstrate ride through for a fault lasting 140ms. The basic process is the same in all cases, but the retained voltages and recover rate differs slightly […]

G99 / Grid Code – Reactive Power Requirements

For Type C / D Generation sites in the UK, one of the most important studies to carry out in the early stages of a project is a reactive power capability assessment. This study is a specific type of load flow case, used, to confirm that the equipment is correctly sized, and the site can […]

Grid Code Compliance Studies

Grid Code studies for larger sites directly connected to the National Grid Electricity Transmission Network, or sites above 50MW (or 30MW and 10MW in North and South Scotland) are required to be fully compliant with the National Grid Code. Thanks to the G99 and the European RfG there is a pretty close alignment between G99 […]