PowerSystems UK

Protection Coordination Study

South Kyle Windfarm

Aurora was commissioned by Powersystems UK to carry out a site wide protection coordination study for a major new 240MW onshore windfarm connected to the 132kV network of Scottish Power.

The protection coordination study considered all aspects of the protection scheme from the 132kV DNO connection point through to the private 132kV and 33kV system, considering the differential protection settings for the cables and transformers as well as the IDMT coordination for the windfarm array for overcurrent and earth faults. In addition to the protection coordination study, tap controller settings were also developed for the site on load tap changers.


Key Features

Client: Powersystems UK
Industry: Renewables
Plant Type: Windfarm
Project: Protection Study
Contract: Lump Sum
Date: 2022

“Aurora was appointed to undertake a full protection coordination study for a major new onshore windfarm in the UK.”