Home » Case Studies » Powersystems UK – North Kyle 212MW Windfarm
Aurora was commissioned by Power Systems UK to carry out a series of power systems studies for a Type D 212MW onshore windfarm located in Scotland. The study scope included creating a detailed power system model of the whole power system using DIgSILENT powerfactory. The studies carried out for the site included: Reactive power capability, short circuit compliance, P28 (RVC/SVC), G5.5 Harmonics, ENA 41-24 earthing design and analysis and EMF Exposure.
Client: North Kyle
Industry: Renewables & Storage
Plant Type: 212MW Onshore Windfarm
Project: Power System Studies
Contract: Lump Sum
Date: 2023
“Aurora was appointed to undertake a suite of power system studies for a new 212MW Onshore Wind Farm.”
Aurora Power Consulting are a leading independent power systems consultancy. We provide specialist power systems analysis services using software such as DIgSILENT, ETAP, PSCAD, EMTP-ATP, CDEGS and XGSLab.