Home » Case Studies » HVPS (SW) – Claylands Cross
Aurora was contracted by HVPS (SW) to carry out an earthing design and earthing study for a new business park development in Paignton, UK.
Aurora’s scope included attending site to carry out a number of soil resistivity surveys on the site and surrounding areas, and then carrying out a detailed earthing study to consider local faults on the 11kV system, and transferred potentials from the upstream 33kV and 132kV WPD grid substation. Once the study had been completed, Aurora then produced a detailed earthing layout and earthing schematic of the system.
Client: Southampton General Hospital
Industry: Building Services
Plant Type: Hospital
Project: Power System Studies
Contract: Lump Sum
Date: 2020
“Aurora was appointed to undertake a fault study and protection coordination study for an upgrade of an existing hospital.”
Aurora Power Consulting are a leading independent power systems consultancy. We provide specialist power systems analysis services using software such as DIgSILENT, ETAP, PSCAD, EMTP-ATP, CDEGS and XGSLab.