Home » Case Studies » Enisca – Barcombe WTW
Aurora was contracted by Enisca to carry out a protection coordination study and assessment for the Barcombe Water Treatment Works (WTW) site.
Aurora’s scope for the Barcombe site was to assess the correct protection settings, fault current distribution and protection behavior for the 11/0.415kV step down transformers that were operating in parallel, and unevenly loaded. Aurora’s assessment identified that the system was potentially at risk, due to a normally closed bus-coupler and that certain types of fault could have tripped the entire site. Once the problem had been identified, Aurora then suggested various technical solutions to overcome the issue.
Client: Enisca
Industry: Water
Plant Type: WTW
Project: Barcombe Protection Study
Contract: Lump Sum
Date: 2017
“Aurora was appointed to undertake HV deign and studies activities for a critical site on the Severn Trent water network.”
Aurora Power Consulting are a leading independent power systems consultancy. We provide specialist power systems analysis services using software such as DIgSILENT, ETAP, PSCAD, EMTP-ATP, CDEGS and XGSLab.